So, who am I and what is this blog about? Do I believe, or do I not?
I’m just a regular Joe from England, I’m not religious, but recognise the human need to belong and to hope there is more to life than what we witness and experience here on Earth. Religion offers answers that life cannot. I don’t believe the answers it offers by any means, but I believe the Paranormal also offers the same thing. It tells us that when we die, we don’t just disappear, we have a chance of coming back as an entity.
This is the reason I doubt the Paranormal. Because we want to know there is more to life, we seek things that may not be there. Not knowingly of course, but if you show a believer, and a non-believer the same photograph of a mist, orb, or something similar, the two will see different things.
Do I believe? Yes, I think I do, but am I being swept away by the romantic notion that there is more to life? Possibly. This is what makes me doubt my belief. Even given the fact I have had paranormal experiences myself! I feel it’s healthy to question yourself though, I like to think I am not gullible, and I like to think that I carefully consider all factors before deciding.
My personal experiences began around the age of 10. I remember feeling as though I was being watched, and I even knew what the lady looked like, tall, pale, and long black hair. It’s very hazy because I was so young, and children do have vivid imaginations, so fast forward to my teens, in a new home, that’s when I really remember what happened. I was woken by someone whispering my name aggressively in my ear. My stereo turned itself up, then down, then up, all while I had the remote in my hand. Highly possible that another remote in a neighbours house was doing it, but after the stereo event, I was laying in bed with the lights out watching T.V, I had a dimmer switch light system, so it was a knob you’d need to turn until it clicked to switch it on, then you’d need to continue turning it to adjust the brightness. My light switched itself on from off, to full, and I was literally scared stiff. I couldn’t move with fear. After about a minute, I threw my covers off, and ran down to my parents sobbing, I’d never been so scared in my life. We had two dogs, one of them used to share my bed sometimes, and on numerous occasions I’d wake because the dog was standing over my head, growling into the air above me.
I moved out a few years later, and Mum moved into my room. She called me one afternoon to tell me that she’d been woken by her T.V at 3am. She was sure she’d switched it off before bed, so she got up, turned it off, went to the bathroom, and came back to find it was on again. This is just a small snapshot of events. There were many small things that happened that I’d try and shrug off. My parents have since moved from that house, and I’m glad.
Where I live now, I’ve had minor experiences, my childrens’ toys would make noises when I go in their room, the jewellery box with the ballerina that you wind up was a common one. Sometimes I feel totally at ease here, and sometimes I feel very anxious and worried to look behind me.
All of this has led me to be an avid watcher of Paranormal T.V shows, and reader of books and websites, and this is what’s led me to write this blog. I am passionate about the truth, and I absolutely detest those that seek to actively mislead us to make money. Yes, Psychics, Spiritual Healers, Mediums and Most Haunted, I’m looking at you! I hope to offer an objective view on things I come across and to debunk or agree with things I read/watch/see, and I hope you enjoy what you read, and I hope it makes you think.
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