Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Paranormal State - Fake

I enjoy watching paranormal T.V shows, but as a viewer we have to remember, these shows are only for entertainment purposes, and are in no shape or form, real.

Firstly, ANY show that uses a Medium or Psychic, is a fake. Bold statement you say? No. Factual, yes. Mediums/Psychics and all forms of them, have been scientifically damned as fake. There are two types of Medium/Psychics. The first is a cold-hearted cold reader, who plays on psychological anomolies to produce what we perceive as a reading. I will go into this in another blog, but trust me they're fake. The 1 Million Pound Prize for proof is still sat in a bank unclaimed, and not because people aren't applying. The second type of Medium/Psychic is, to be blunt, someone that cold-reads without realising they are doing it, therefor making them a little bit gullible and full of self importance. They get results in the exact same way as a cold reader, but these ones actually believe in themselves that they are really psychic.

Anyone with a true interest in readings really should read both sides of the story before believing it's all correct, and  even more so, those with a vested interest, like Ryan D Buell.

Back on topic! (Sorry for that but I really feel that preying on the vunerable like Medium/Psychics do, is very wrong) I have read a number of accounts regarding Paranormal State, so let's begin by explaining the basics.

The show begins with it's main "star" Ryan D Buell telling the viewer that due to reasons he will not disclose, he began a paranormal group at his university, Penn State, more blah blah blah, end of intro. Ryan is the driving force behind the show and really comes across extremely arrogant, controlling, and he puts himself up on a pedestal. His minions seem nice people, but his personality overshadows everything, but it's OK because they hide behind the Penn State student facade, making them seem harmless. Ryan has milked everything he can out of being on T.V, he is constantly promoting himself on Facebook and other social media, he's released a book (a pre-planned thing from the beginning, the stuff "he wouldn't reveal on the show because it was personal" was all saved for the book...) and now, he has completely taken over a movie he helped out on called American Ghost Hunter, which is about one mans journey back to his haunted childhood home, yet Ryans face is all over the adverts for it?

Aside from his obvious personality disorder the shows always take the same route. Intro - explanation of haunting - meet family of haunting - Paranormal Stae end up finding something eerie about the family/location/haunting (reminds me of Scooby Doo, those pesky kids!) - they find past home owners - they do "Dead Time" - they find something - they call in Chip Coffey or a demonologist/priest - they fix the problem - closing credits.

Lets examine one show, taken from

A&E was very pushy about urging us to contact Jim Gardner, the driver in Bill Wells’ fatal accident. We told them we would try again, but we didn’t want to harass the man. We contacted him shortly after discovering Bill’s identity. The point of us contacting PRS was to get Bill the help he was pleading for. Bill wanted people in the town to know there was no wrongdoing on anyone’s part and, indeed, it was only an accident.

Ryan took great pride in coming up with “This shadow man that you see in your home…” He practiced saying “shadow man” in a deeper register than he usually uses and was quite pleased with himself. He requires everyone on his team to worship him and show and express their admiration of him to everyone. Behind his back they express their disdain, but they all want to keep their job.

Chip Coffey play acted at being psychic. He was given every bit of information regarding our case and the identity of the ghost of the past-previous owner of our home who died 28 years before we bought our Gold Beach, Oregon home. I am a medical hypnotherapist and respected medium and psychic with many satisfied clients. We contacted PRS after our ghost, Bill Wells, began asking us for help. The PRS team represented themselves as being part of Penn State University, which was only the beginning of their deceptions.

I was asked to pretend I didn’t know any of the information for effect so that viewers could have the sense of the story unfolding, the way it had to us. ‘There would be no harm in presenting it again as though they made the discoveries on their own as they were the ones who ordered the accident report.’

This entity frightened the PRS team and terrified Chip Coffey who refused to deal with it. Chip had me deal with it and hid in a chair in my living room. 

The PRS crew ‘faked’ cold spots in our home. They explained to us that they were using a six-pack of beer to attract Bill and draw him out so they could photograph him. ... After the episode was aired, I realized the ‘Cold Spot’ Ryan and Chip were ‘discovering’ in our guest room was one of the Budweiser cans!

In our interview with Katrina before they arrived Katrina asked me to list the names, relationships and birth and death dates of all my deceased family members who have died in the last 10 years. Chip was claiming the evil entity in the hallway was my dead grandfather and that he had sexually abused me as a child. This is utterly ridiculous and untrue. That was when I called Chip Coffey a fraud and Chip responded with such abusive, intimidating and belittling language and demeanor 

PRS say they are PARANORMAL RESEARCHERS and expressed no interest in many of the real phenomenon they recorded [on our property]. Ryan picked up the spirits in the forest on his IFR and didn’t bother to put that in. Does that indicate interest in the paranormal?

To read the letter in full, go here and remember these shows are only here to gain ratings and money, and they stretch to awful levels to accomplish this.

There is also an entire book dedicated to their fraud.

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